
What do I {Value}?

This past week we have been studying value in my drawing class. The range of dark to light in a piece of art. The above piece is my homework that I just completed today, we had to use India Ink and cross hatch a still life, while keeping the elements of value in mind. Concentrating on value in art led me to think about the things I value in my life. I felt like it was good for me to be focusing on the positives in my life since I have been feeling down lately about my uncertain future. Without further ado...

I Value...
~my unfailing relationship with God
~the support I receive from my family
~the opportunity to get a college education {even if I don't know what I want to do yet}
~being in love with a wonderful man
~time well spent at home
~being able to spend more time with my best friend
~fall weekends spent picking apples and baking pies {photos yet to come}
~my growing family {a new sister-in-law and a new niece or nephew due next month}
~living at home
~the many ways I can keep in touch with those far away {phone, skype, facebook}
~home cooked meals
~spontaneous road trips
~a nice bubble bath
~a strong brew of coffee in the morning

It feels good to focus on the blessings in my life. Oftentimes I get caught up in everything that isn't going right that I forget to be thankful for all of the great things that I do have. When I slow down, take a deep breath and take a step back to look at my life, I realize that my problems aren't as bad as I have made them out to be. God will never give me more than I can handle and He has given me countless blessings to be thankful for.


zenmasterlars said...

What a wonderful post :) Just helps us remember what is important (and life is too short!). Love the drawing too!

Eden Marie said...

so true! it is so important to remember the good things in life :)
thanks for the nice comment on my blog!

Kelly and Sara said...

Feel free to play along. Thanks for visiting! Hope you had a great weekend :)

Megan Jane said...

Lovely in form as well as content. :)

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