
Fill in the Blank Friday

Happy Friday everyone. Every once in a while I like to participate in fill in the blank Fridays and this week I'm borrowing it from this blog. So here is goes...

1. I'm currently obsessed with new blogs. I've been on the hunt lately for new sources of inspiration and new daily reads. So feel free to suggest any blogs that you think I need to check out.

2. Today I am relaxed because I don't have school. I plan on spending my day watching some movies/shows and working on an embroidery project.

3. The age I am is 20 and the age I feel is 20. I guess I finally feel my age. When I was younger I always felt like I was older but now I'm 20 and I feel 20. 

4. My favorite place is any place that I get to see my boyfriend! But I also love northern Minnesota, combine the two and you have a winning combination in my book.

5.Something I have been procrastinating is doing my taxes, filling out my FASA and applying for scholarships. I think it goes without saying why I've been procrastinating. 

6. The last thing I purchased was Little Miss Sunshine. It has been on my list of movies that I want to own for a while and when I was in SD this last weekend I snagged it for a thrifty $3.99! 

7. The thing I love most about my home is the wood burning fireplace. I hope that someday my future home has one.      

1 comment:

Laura said...

I sometimes like to do fill in the blanks for my blog (or just in general), too! I found your blog by checking out blogs my friends read.

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