
Confessions {Part 1}

I thought I would do a few posts called "Confessions" and share some random facts about myself. Today's confession? I don't really know where I stand with tea. If you know me, you know that I have always wanted to enjoy drinking hot tea, however I could never find a flavor that didn't make me have a scrunched up disgusted face when I sipped it. Did this make me stop trying different kinds of tea only to be disappointed time and time again? No it did not. Now I don't know if I am just getting used to tea or if in the midst of my endless tastings I finally found certain kinds that I actually like, but I find myself downing full mugs of tea. Don't get me wrong I haven't started a love affair with tea that I have with coffee, but it's nice to have the option of tea to drink. I know that I'm a total weirdo for wanting to love something that I hate the taste of but I can't help it and now, thanks to peach tea and other fruity varieties, I can stop searching for a tea that I like.

1 comment:

Megan Jane said...

Two things...
1) I love the name of this post because it reminds of me of Ursher.
2) Quit drinking tea!!

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